# Desktop with customizations to fit in a CD (package removals, etc.) # Maintained by the Fedora Desktop SIG: # http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/Desktop # mailto:desktop@lists.fedoraproject.org %include fedora-live-desktop.ks %include fedora-live-minimization.ks repo --name=ces11 --baseurl=http://repos.fedorapeople.org/repos/pfrields/ces11/fedora-$releasever/$basearch %packages # First, no office -libreoffice-* -planner # Temporary list of things removed from comps but not synced yet -specspo # Drop the Java plugin -icedtea-web -java-1.6.0-openjdk # Drop things that pull in perl -linux-atm # No printing -foomatic-db-ppds -foomatic # Dictionaries are big -aspell-* -hunspell-* -man-pages* -words # Help and art can be big, too -gnome-user-docs -evolution-help -gnome-games-help -desktop-backgrounds-basic -*backgrounds-extras # Legacy cmdline things we don't want -krb5-auth-dialog -krb5-workstation -pam_krb5 -quota -nano -minicom -dos2unix -finger -ftp -jwhois -mtr -pinfo -rsh -telnet -nfs-utils -ypbind -yp-tools -rpcbind -acpid -ntsysv # Drop some system-config things -system-config-boot -system-config-language -system-config-network -system-config-rootpassword -system-config-services -policycoreutils-gui # For the kids python3 ces11-python3-books pygame %end %post %end