"""Hello, and welcome to the source code of Gorillas.py. This program is meant to be very well documented so that a novice programmer can follow along. This program was written by Al Sweigart as a companion for his free, Creative Commons-licensed book "Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python", which is available in full at: http://inventwithpython.com Feel free to email the author with any programming questions at al@inventwithpython.com This program seeks to replicate gorillas.bas, a Qbasic program that was popular in the 1990s. By reading through the comments, you can learn how a simple Python game with the Pygame engine is put together. The comments will generally come _after_ the lines of code they describe. If you like this, then check out inventwithpython.com to read the book (which has similar game projects) for free! The Pygame documentation is pretty good, and can be found at http://www.pygame.org/docs Unfortunately there is no sound with this game. """ import pygame, sys, time, random, math from pygame.locals import * """We'll import quite a few modules for this game. "pygame" has all the graphics & game-related functions that the Pygame game engine provides. "sys" has the exit() function. "time" has the sleep() function. "random" has the randint() function, and "math" contains the pi constant.""" """All of the variables below in CAPS LETTERS are constants, that is, they are only supposed to be read and not modified. (There's nothing to keep the program from modifying them, but it's just a convention programmers use. The constants are a bit more descriptive than just using the numbers by themselves. And if you ever want to change some value (such as the size of the explosions or the color of the gorillas), you only have to change it in one place.""" SCR_WIDTH = 640 SCR_HEIGHT = 350 FPS = 30 GAME_CLOCK = pygame.time.Clock() """Here are several constants we will use in the game. The original Qbasic game had a screen size of 640x350, so we'll use that as our screen size. We will use a single global Clock object to handle some of the timing stuff in all our functions, and generally have FPS set to 30 (except when we want to set it to something else. Constants are useful because you can just change the value in one place, and it will be used throughout the program. Try experimenting with different values for these global constants.""" BUILDING_COLORS = ((173, 170, 173), (0, 170, 173), (173, 0, 0)) LIGHT_WINDOW = (255, 255, 82) DARK_WINDOW = (82, 85, 82) SKY_COLOR = (0, 0, 173) GOR_COLOR = (255, 170, 82) BAN_COLOR = (255, 255, 82) EXPLOSION_COLOR = (255, 0, 0) SUN_COLOR = (255, 255, 0) DARK_RED_COLOR = (173, 0, 0) BLACK_COLOR = (0, 0, 0) WHITE_COLOR = (255, 255, 255) GRAY_COLOR = (173, 170, 173) """Here are a bunch of colors. Pygame uses a tuple of three integers to specify a color. The integers are for the amount of Red, Blue, and Green (in order) in the color. This is known as an RGB value. BUILDING_COLORS will hold a tuple of these RGB tuples and represent the different colors the buildings can be.""" BUILD_EXPLOSION_SIZE = int(SCR_HEIGHT / 50) GOR_EXPLOSION_SIZE = 30 """BUILD_EXPLOSION_SIZE holds the size of an explosion when a banana hits a building, and GOR_EXPLOSION_SIZE is the size when it hits a gorilla.""" SUN_X = 300 SUN_Y = 10 """The position of the sun in the sky.""" pygame.init() GAME_FONT = pygame.font.SysFont(None, 20) """The pygame.init() function needs to be called before calling any of the Pygame functions. We will use the default system font at a size of 20 points.""" # orientation of the banana: RIGHT = 0 UP = 1 LEFT = 2 DOWN = 3 """Some constants for the direction the banana (or anything else) faces.""" # gorilla arms drawing types BOTH_ARMS_DOWN = 0 LEFT_ARM_UP = 1 RIGHT_ARM_UP = 2 """Some constants for which of the three gorilla sprites to use: both arms down, left arm up, or right arm up.""" """The following multiline strings are used with the makeSurfaceFromASCII() function. It's basically a way of generating Surfaces other than using the drawing functions or including graphic files along with this .py file. Try experimenting by changing the strings. The first and last line are ignored (so you don't have to deal with indentation issues in the string).""" STAR_ASCII = """ XX XX XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXX XX XX """ GOR_DOWN_ASCII = """ XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XXX X XX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX X XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXX XXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXX XXXXX XX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX """ GOR_LEFT_ASCII = """ XXXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXX XX XX XXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXX XXX X XX XXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX X XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXX XXXXX XXXXX XXX XXXXX XX XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX """ GOR_RIGHT_ASCII = """ XXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXX XX XX XXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXX XXX X XX XXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX X XXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXX XXX XXXXX XXXXX XXX XXXXX XX XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX """ BAN_RIGHT_ASCII = """ XX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XX """ BAN_LEFT_ASCII = """ XX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XX """ BAN_UP_ASCII = """ XX XX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXX """ BAN_DOWN_ASCII = """ XXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XX XX """ SUN_NORMAL_ASCII = """ X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XXXXXXX X X XX XXXXXXXXXXX XX X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXXX XXXX X XXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXX X XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X XX XXXXXXXXXXX XX X X XXXXXXX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X """ SUN_SHOCKED_ASCII = """ X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XXXXXXX X X XX XXXXXXXXXXX XX X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXX X XXXXXXX XXXXXXX X XXXXXXX XXXXXXX X XXXXXX XXXXXX X XX XXXXXXXXXXX XX X X XXXXXXX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X """ def terminate(): """Calls both the pygame.quit() and sys.exit() functions, to end the program. (I found that not calling pygame.quit() before sys.exit() can mess up IDLE sometimes.""" pygame.quit() sys.exit() def makeSurfaceFromASCII(ascii, fgColor=(255,255,255), bgColor=(0,0,0)): """Returns a new pygame.Surface object that has the image drawn on it as specified by the ascii parameter. The first and last line in ascii are ignored. Otherwise, any X in ascii marks a pixel with the foreground color and any other letter marks a pixel of the background color. The Surface object has a width of the widest line in the ascii string, and is always rectangular.""" """Try experimenting with this function so that you can specify more than two colors. (Pass a dict of ascii letters and RGB tuples, say.""" ascii = ascii.split('\n')[1:-1] width = max([len(x) for x in ascii]) height = len(ascii) surf = pygame.Surface((width, height)) surf.fill(bgColor) pArr = pygame.PixelArray(surf) for y in range(height): for x in range(len(ascii[y])): if ascii[y][x] == 'X': pArr[x][y] = fgColor return surf GOR_DOWN_SURF = makeSurfaceFromASCII(GOR_DOWN_ASCII, GOR_COLOR, SKY_COLOR) GOR_LEFT_SURF = makeSurfaceFromASCII(GOR_LEFT_ASCII, GOR_COLOR, SKY_COLOR) GOR_RIGHT_SURF = makeSurfaceFromASCII(GOR_RIGHT_ASCII, GOR_COLOR, SKY_COLOR) BAN_RIGHT_SURF = makeSurfaceFromASCII(BAN_RIGHT_ASCII, BAN_COLOR, SKY_COLOR) BAN_LEFT_SURF = makeSurfaceFromASCII(BAN_LEFT_ASCII, BAN_COLOR, SKY_COLOR) BAN_UP_SURF = makeSurfaceFromASCII(BAN_UP_ASCII, BAN_COLOR, SKY_COLOR) BAN_DOWN_SURF = makeSurfaceFromASCII(BAN_DOWN_ASCII, BAN_COLOR, SKY_COLOR) SUN_NORMAL_SURF = makeSurfaceFromASCII(SUN_NORMAL_ASCII, SUN_COLOR, SKY_COLOR) SUN_SHOCKED_SURF = makeSurfaceFromASCII(SUN_SHOCKED_ASCII, SUN_COLOR, SKY_COLOR) STAR_SURF = makeSurfaceFromASCII(STAR_ASCII, DARK_RED_COLOR, BLACK_COLOR) assert GOR_DOWN_SURF.get_size() == GOR_LEFT_SURF.get_size() == GOR_RIGHT_SURF.get_size() """Create the pygame.Surface objects from the ASCII strings.""" sunRect = pygame.Rect(SUN_X, SUN_Y, SUN_NORMAL_SURF.get_width(), SUN_NORMAL_SURF.get_height()) """sunRect will be a global value so we'll always know where the sun is.""" def drawText(text, surfObj, x, y, fgcol, bgcol, pos='left'): """A generic function to draw a string to a pygame.Surface object at a certain x,y location. This returns a pygame.Rect object which describes the area the string was drawn on. If the pos parameter is "left", then the x,y parameter specifies the top left corner of the text rectangle. If the pos parameter is "center", then the x,y parameter specifies the middle top point of the text rectangle.""" textobj = GAME_FONT.render(text, 1, fgcol, bgcol) # creates the text in memory (it's not on a surface yet). textrect = textobj.get_rect() if pos == 'left': textrect.topleft = (x, y) elif pos == 'center': textrect.midtop = (x, y) surfObj.blit(textobj, textrect) # draws the text onto the surface """Remember that the text will only appear on the screen if you pass the pygame.Surface object that was returned from the call to pygame.display.set_mode(), and only after pygame.display.update() is called.""" return textrect def getModCase(s, mod): """Checks the state of the shift and caps lock keys, and switches the case of the s string if needed.""" if bool(mod & KMOD_RSHIFT or mod & KMOD_LSHIFT) ^ bool(mod & KMOD_CAPS): return s.swapcase() else: return s def inputMode(prompt, screenSurf, x, y, fgcol, bgcol, maxlen=12, allowed=None, pos='left', cursor='_', cursorBlink=False): """Takes control of the program when called. This function displays a prompt on the screen (the "prompt" string) parameter) on the screenSurf surface at the x, y coordinates. The text is in the fgcol color with a bgcol color background. You can optionally specify maxlen for a maximum length of the user's response. "allowed" is a string of allowed characters (if the player can only type numbers, say) and ignores all other keystrokes. The "pos" parameter can either be the string "left" (where the x, y coordinates refer to the top left corner of the text box) or "center" (where the x, y coordinates refer to the top center of the text box). "cursor" is an optional character that is used for a cursor to show where the next letter will go. If "cursorBlink" is True, then this cursor character will blink on and off. The returned value is a string of what the player typed in, or None if the player pressed the Esc key. Note that the player can only press Backspace to delete characters, they cannot use the arrow keys to move the cursor.""" inputText = '' """inputText will store the text of what the player has typed in so far.""" done = False cursorTimestamp = time.time() cursorShow = cursor while not done: """We will keep looping until the player has pressed the Esc or Enter key.""" if cursor and cursorBlink and time.time() - 1.0 > cursorTimestamp: if cursorShow == cursor: cursorShow = ' ' else: cursorShow = cursor cursorTimestamp = time.time() for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: terminate() elif event.type == KEYUP: if event.key == K_ESCAPE: return None elif event.key == K_RETURN: done = True if cursorShow: cursorShow = ' ' elif event.key == K_BACKSPACE: if len(inputText): drawText(prompt + inputText + cursorShow, screenSurf, textrect.left, textrect.top, bgcol, bgcol, 'left') inputText = inputText[:-1] else: if len(inputText) >= maxlen or (allowed is not None and chr(event.key) not in allowed): continue if event.key >= 32 and event.key < 128: inputText += getModCase(chr(event.key), event.mod) textrect = drawText(prompt + cursorShow, screenSurf, x, y, fgcol, bgcol, pos) drawText(prompt + inputText + cursorShow, screenSurf, textrect.left, textrect.top, fgcol, bgcol, 'left') pygame.display.update() GAME_CLOCK.tick(FPS) return inputText def nextBananaShape(orient): """Returns the next banana shape in the sequence of 0, 1, 2, 3, then 0 again. (These correspond to the RIGHT, UP, LEFT, and DOWN variables.""" if orient + 1 == 4: return 0 else: return orient + 1 def drawBanana(screenSurf, orient, x, y): """Draws the banana shape to the screenSurf surface with its top left corner at the x y coordinate provided. "orient" is one of the RIGHT, UP, LEFT, or DOWN values (which are the integers 0 to 3 respectively)""" if orient == DOWN: screenSurf.blit(BAN_DOWN_SURF, (x, y)) elif orient == UP: screenSurf.blit(BAN_UP_SURF, (x, y)) elif orient == LEFT: screenSurf.blit(BAN_LEFT_SURF, (x, y)) elif orient == RIGHT: screenSurf.blit(BAN_RIGHT_SURF, (x, y)) def drawSun(screenSurf, shocked=False): """Draws the sun sprite onto the screenSurf surface. If shocked is True, then use the shocked-looking face, otherwise use the normal smiley face. This function does not call python.display.update()""" if shocked: screenSurf.blit(SUN_SHOCKED_SURF, (SUN_X, SUN_Y)) else: screenSurf.blit(SUN_NORMAL_SURF, (SUN_X, SUN_Y)) def drawGorilla(screenSurf, x, y, arms=BOTH_ARMS_DOWN): """Draws the gorilla sprite onto the screenSurf surface at a specific x, y coordinate. The x,y coordinate is for the top left corner of the gorilla sprite. Note that all three gorilla surfaces are the same size.""" if arms == BOTH_ARMS_DOWN: gorSurf = GOR_DOWN_SURF elif arms == LEFT_ARM_UP: gorSurf = GOR_LEFT_SURF elif arms == RIGHT_ARM_UP: gorSurf = GOR_RIGHT_SURF """Above we choose which surface object we will use to draw the gorilla, depending on the "arms" parameter. The call to screenSurf.blit() will draw the surface onto the screen (but it won't show up on the screen until pygame.display.update() is called.""" screenSurf.blit(gorSurf, (x, y)) def makeCityScape(): """This function creates and returns a new cityscape of various buildings on a pygame.Surface object and returns this surface object.""" screenSurf = pygame.Surface((SCR_WIDTH, SCR_HEIGHT)) # first make the new surface the same size of the screen. screenSurf.fill(SKY_COLOR) # fill in the surface with the background sky color """We will choose an upward, downward, valley "v" curve, or hilly "^" curve for the slope of the buildings. Half of the time we will choose the valley slope shape, while the remaining three each have a 1/6 chance of being choosen. The slope also determines the height of the first building, which is stored in newHeight.""" slope = random.randint(1, 6) if slope == 1: slope = 'upward' newHeight = 15 elif slope == 2: slope = 'downward' newHeight = 130 elif slope >= 3 and slope <= 5: slope = 'v' newHeight = 15 else: slope = '^' newHeight = 130 bottomLine = 335 # the bottom line of the buildings. We want some space for the wind arrow to go heightInc = 10 # a baseline for how much buildings grow or shrink compared to the last building defBuildWidth = 37 # default building width, also judges how wide buildings can be randomHeightDiff = 120 # about how much buildings grow or shrink windowWidth = 4 # the width of each window in pixels windowHeight = 7 # the height of each window in pixels windowSpacingX = 10 # how many pixels apart each window's left edge is windowSpacingY = 15 # how many pixels apart each window's top edge is gHeight = 25 # (I'm not sure what this suppoes to be in the original Qbasic code, but I copied it anyway) # (There also was a maxHeight variable in the original Qbasic, but I don't think it did anything so I left it out.) buildingCoords = [] # a list of (left, top) coords of each building, left to right x = 2 # x refers to the top left corner of the current building being drawn while x < SCR_WIDTH - heightInc: # In this loop we keep drawing new buildings until we run out of space on the screen. # First the slope type determines if the building should grow or shrink. if slope == 'upward': newHeight += heightInc elif slope == 'downward': newHeight -= heightInc elif slope == 'v': if x > SCR_WIDTH / 2: newHeight -= (2 * heightInc) # For valley slopes, buildings shrink on the left half of the screen... else: newHeight += (2 * heightInc) # ...and grow on the right half. else: if x > SCR_WIDTH / 2: newHeight += (2 * heightInc) # For hilley slopes, buildings grow on the left half of the screen... else: newHeight -= (2 * heightInc) # ...and shrink on the right half. # Get the new building's width. buildWidth = defBuildWidth + random.randint(0, defBuildWidth) if buildWidth + x > SCR_WIDTH: buildWidth = SCR_WIDTH - x -2 # Get the new building's height buildHeight = random.randint(heightInc, randomHeightDiff) + newHeight # Check if the height is too high. if bottomLine - buildHeight <= gHeight: buildHeight = gHeight # Randomly select one of the building colors. buildingColor = BUILDING_COLORS[random.randint(0, len(BUILDING_COLORS)-1)] # Draw the building pygame.draw.rect(screenSurf, buildingColor, (x+1, bottomLine - (buildHeight+1), buildWidth-1, buildHeight-1)) buildingCoords.append( (x, bottomLine - buildHeight) ) # Draw the windows for winx in range(3, buildWidth - windowSpacingX + windowWidth, windowSpacingX): for winy in range(3, buildHeight - windowSpacingY, windowSpacingY): if random.randint(1, 4) == 1: winColor = DARK_WINDOW else: winColor = LIGHT_WINDOW pygame.draw.rect(screenSurf, winColor, (x + 1 + winx, (bottomLine - buildHeight) + 1 + winy, windowWidth, windowHeight)) x += buildWidth # We want to return both the surface object we've drawn the buildings on, and the coordinates of each building. return screenSurf, buildingCoords def placeGorillas(buildCoords): """Using the buildingCoords value returned from makeCityScape(), we want to place the gorillas on the left and right side of the screen on the second or third building from the edge.""" gorPos = [] # item 0 is for (left, top) of player one, item 1 is for player two. xAdj = int(GOR_DOWN_SURF.get_rect().width / 2) yAdj = GOR_DOWN_SURF.get_rect().height for i in range(0,2): # place first and then second player # place gorillas on second or third building from the edge. if i == 0: buildNum = random.randint(1,2) else: buildNum = random.randint(len(buildCoords)-3, len(buildCoords)-2) buildWidth = buildCoords[buildNum + 1][0] - buildCoords[buildNum][0] gorPos.append( (buildCoords[buildNum][0] + int(buildWidth / 2) - xAdj, buildCoords[buildNum][1] - yAdj - 1) ) # The format of the gorPos list is [(p1 x, p1 y), (p2 x, p2 y)] return gorPos def waitForPlayerToPressKey(): """Calling this function will pause the program until the user presses a key. The key is returned.""" while True: key = checkForKeyPress() if key: return key def checkForKeyPress(): """Calling this function will check if a key has recently been pressed. If so, the key is returned. If not, then False is returned. If the Esc key was pressed, then the program terminates.""" for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: terminate() if event.type == KEYUP: if event.key == K_ESCAPE: # pressing escape quits terminate() return event.key return False def showStartScreen(screenSurf): """Draws the starting introductory screen to screenSurf, with red stars rotating around the border. This screen remains until the user presses a key.""" vertAdj = 0 horAdj = 0 while not checkForKeyPress(): screenSurf.fill(BLACK_COLOR) drawStars(screenSurf, vertAdj, horAdj) vertAdj += 1 if vertAdj == 4: vertAdj = 0 horAdj += 12 if horAdj == 84: horAdj = 0 """The stars on the sides of the screen move 1 pixel each iteration through this loop and reset every 4 pixels. The stars on the top and bottom of the screen move 12 pixels each iteration and reset every 84 pixels.""" drawText('P y t h o n G O R I L L A S', screenSurf, SCR_WIDTH / 2, 50, WHITE_COLOR, BLACK_COLOR, pos='center') drawText('Your mission is to hit your opponent with the exploding', screenSurf, SCR_WIDTH / 2, 110, GRAY_COLOR, BLACK_COLOR, pos='center') drawText('banana by varying the angle and power of your throw, taking', screenSurf, SCR_WIDTH / 2, 130, GRAY_COLOR, BLACK_COLOR, pos='center') drawText('into account wind speed, gravity, and the city skyline.', screenSurf, SCR_WIDTH / 2, 150, GRAY_COLOR, BLACK_COLOR, pos='center') drawText('The wind speed is shown by a directional arrow at the bottom', screenSurf, SCR_WIDTH / 2, 170, GRAY_COLOR, BLACK_COLOR, pos='center') drawText('of the playing field, its length relative to its strength.', screenSurf, SCR_WIDTH / 2, 190, GRAY_COLOR, BLACK_COLOR, pos='center') drawText('Press any key to continue', screenSurf, SCR_WIDTH / 2, 300, GRAY_COLOR, BLACK_COLOR, pos='center') pygame.display.update() GAME_CLOCK.tick(FPS) def showGameOverScreen(screenSurf, p1name, p1score, p2name, p2score): """Draws the game over screen to screenSurf, showing the players' names and scores. This screen has rotating red stars too, and hangs around until the user presses a key.""" p1score = str(p1score) p2score = str(p2score) vertAdj = 0 horAdj = 0 while not checkForKeyPress(): screenSurf.fill(BLACK_COLOR) drawStars(screenSurf, vertAdj, horAdj) vertAdj += 1 if vertAdj == 4: vertAdj = 0 horAdj += 12 if horAdj == 84: horAdj = 0 """The stars on the sides of the screen move 1 pixel each iteration through this loop and reset every 4 pixels. The stars on the top and bottom of the screen move 12 pixels each iteration and reset every 84 pixels.""" drawText('GAME OVER!', screenSurf, SCR_WIDTH / 2, 120, GRAY_COLOR, BLACK_COLOR, pos='center') drawText('Score:', screenSurf, SCR_WIDTH / 2, 155, GRAY_COLOR, BLACK_COLOR, pos='center') drawText(p1name, screenSurf, 225, 170, GRAY_COLOR, BLACK_COLOR) drawText(p1score, screenSurf, 395, 170, GRAY_COLOR, BLACK_COLOR) drawText(p2name, screenSurf, 225, 185, GRAY_COLOR, BLACK_COLOR) drawText(p2score, screenSurf, 395, 185, GRAY_COLOR, BLACK_COLOR) drawText('Press any key to continue', screenSurf, SCR_WIDTH / 2, 298, GRAY_COLOR, BLACK_COLOR, pos='center') pygame.display.update() GAME_CLOCK.tick(FPS) def drawStars(screenSurf, vertAdj, horAdj): """This function draws the red stars on the border of screenSurf.""" for i in range(16): # draw top row of stars screenSurf.blit(STAR_SURF, (2 + (((3 - vertAdj) + i * 4) * STAR_SURF.get_width()), 3)) # draw bottom row of stars screenSurf.blit(STAR_SURF, (2 + ((vertAdj + i * 4) * STAR_SURF.get_width()), SCR_HEIGHT - 7 - STAR_SURF.get_height())) for i in range(4): # draw left column of stars going down screenSurf.blit(STAR_SURF, (5, 6 + STAR_SURF.get_height() + (horAdj + i * 84))) # draw right column of stars going up screenSurf.blit(STAR_SURF, (SCR_WIDTH - 5 - STAR_SURF.get_width(), (SCR_HEIGHT - (6 + STAR_SURF.get_height() + (horAdj + i * 84))))) def showSettingsScreen(screenSurf): """This is the screen that lets the user type in their name and settings for the game.""" p1name = None p2name = None points = None gravity = None screenSurf.fill(BLACK_COLOR) while p1name is None: p1name = inputMode("Name of Player 1 (Default = 'Player 1'): ", screenSurf, SCR_WIDTH / 2 - 146, 50, GRAY_COLOR, BLACK_COLOR, maxlen=10, pos='left', cursorBlink=True) if p1name == '': p1name = 'Player 1' while p2name is None: p2name = inputMode("Name of Player 2 (Default = 'Player 2'): ", screenSurf, SCR_WIDTH / 2 - 146, 80, GRAY_COLOR, BLACK_COLOR, maxlen=10, pos='left', cursorBlink=True) if p2name == '': p2name = 'Player 2' while points is None: points = inputMode("Play to how many total points (Default = 3)? ", screenSurf, SCR_WIDTH / 2 - 155, 110, GRAY_COLOR, BLACK_COLOR, maxlen=6, allowed='0123456789', pos='left', cursorBlink=True) if points == '': points = 3 else: points = int(points) while gravity is None: gravity = inputMode("Gravity in Meters/Sec (Earth = 9.8)? ", screenSurf, SCR_WIDTH / 2 - 150, 140, GRAY_COLOR, BLACK_COLOR, maxlen=6, allowed='0123456789.', pos='left', cursorBlink=True) if gravity == '': gravity = 9.8 else: gravity = float(gravity) drawText('--------------', screenSurf, SCR_WIDTH / 2 -10, 170, GRAY_COLOR, BLACK_COLOR, pos='center') drawText('V = View Intro', screenSurf, SCR_WIDTH / 2 -10, 200, GRAY_COLOR, BLACK_COLOR, pos='center') drawText('P = Play Game', screenSurf, SCR_WIDTH / 2 -10, 230, GRAY_COLOR, BLACK_COLOR, pos='center') drawText('Your Choice?', screenSurf, SCR_WIDTH / 2 -10, 260, GRAY_COLOR, BLACK_COLOR, pos='center') pygame.display.update() key = waitForPlayerToPressKey() while chr(key) != 'v' and chr(key) != 'p': key = waitForPlayerToPressKey() return p1name, p2name, points, gravity, chr(key) # returns 'v' or 'p' def showIntroScreen(screenSurf, p1name, p2name): """This is the screen that plays if the user selected "view intro" from the starting screen.""" screenSurf.fill(SKY_COLOR) drawText('P y t h o n G O R I L L A S', screenSurf, SCR_WIDTH / 2, 15, WHITE_COLOR, SKY_COLOR, pos='center') drawText('STARRING:', screenSurf, SCR_WIDTH / 2, 55, WHITE_COLOR, SKY_COLOR, pos='center') drawText('%s AND %s' % (p1name, p2name), screenSurf, SCR_WIDTH / 2, 115, WHITE_COLOR, SKY_COLOR, pos='center') x = 278 y = 175 for i in range(2): drawGorilla(screenSurf, x-13, y, RIGHT_ARM_UP) drawGorilla(screenSurf, x+47, y, LEFT_ARM_UP) pygame.display.update() time.sleep(2) drawGorilla(screenSurf, x-13, y, LEFT_ARM_UP) drawGorilla(screenSurf, x+47, y, RIGHT_ARM_UP) pygame.display.update() time.sleep(2) for i in range(4): drawGorilla(screenSurf, x-13, y, LEFT_ARM_UP) drawGorilla(screenSurf, x+47, y, RIGHT_ARM_UP) pygame.display.update() time.sleep(0.3) drawGorilla(screenSurf, x-13, y, RIGHT_ARM_UP) drawGorilla(screenSurf, x+47, y, LEFT_ARM_UP) pygame.display.update() time.sleep(0.3) def getShot(screenSurf, p1name, p2name, playerNum): """getShot() is called when we want to get the angle and velocity from the player.""" pygame.draw.rect(screenSurf, SKY_COLOR, (0, 0, 200, 50)) pygame.draw.rect(screenSurf, SKY_COLOR, (550, 0, 00, 50)) drawText(p1name, screenSurf, 2, 2, WHITE_COLOR, SKY_COLOR) drawText(p2name, screenSurf, 538, 2, WHITE_COLOR, SKY_COLOR) if playerNum == 1: x = 2 else: x = 538 angle = '' while angle == '': angle = inputMode('Angle: ', screenSurf, x, 18, WHITE_COLOR, SKY_COLOR, maxlen=3, allowed='0123456789') if angle is None: terminate() angle = int(angle) velocity = '' while velocity == '': velocity = inputMode('Velocity: ', screenSurf, x, 34, WHITE_COLOR, SKY_COLOR, maxlen=3, allowed='0123456789') if velocity is None: terminate() velocity = int(velocity) # Erase the user's input drawText('Angle: ' + str(angle), screenSurf, x, 2, SKY_COLOR, SKY_COLOR) drawText('Velocity: ' + str(angle), screenSurf, x, 2, SKY_COLOR, SKY_COLOR) pygame.display.update() if playerNum == 2: angle = 180 - angle return (angle, velocity) def displayScore(screenSurf, oneScore, twoScore): """Draws the score on the screenSurf surface.""" drawText(str(oneScore) + '>Score<' + str(twoScore), screenSurf, 270, 310, WHITE_COLOR, SKY_COLOR, pos='left') def plotShot(screenSurf, skylineSurf, angle, velocity, playerNum, wind, gravity, gor1, gor2): # startx and starty is the upper left corner of the gorilla. angle = angle / 180.0 * math.pi initXVel = math.cos(angle) * velocity initYVel = math.sin(angle) * velocity gorWidth, gorHeight = GOR_DOWN_SURF.get_size() gor1rect = pygame.Rect(gor1[0], gor1[1], gorWidth, gorHeight) gor2rect = pygame.Rect(gor2[0], gor2[1], gorWidth, gorHeight) if playerNum == 1: gorImg = LEFT_ARM_UP else: gorImg = RIGHT_ARM_UP """The player 1 gorilla on the left uses his left arm to throw, the player 2 gorilla on the right uses his right arm to throw.""" if playerNum == 1: startx = gor1[0] starty = gor1[1] elif playerNum == 2: startx = gor2[0] starty = gor2[1] drawGorilla(screenSurf, startx, starty, gorImg) pygame.display.update() time.sleep(0.3) drawGorilla(screenSurf, startx, starty, BOTH_ARMS_DOWN) pygame.display.update() """Draw the gorilla throwing the banana.""" bananaShape = UP if playerNum == 2: startx += GOR_DOWN_SURF.get_size()[0] starty -= getBananaRect(0, 0, bananaShape).height + BAN_UP_SURF.get_size()[1] impact = False bananaInPlay = True t = 1.0 sunHit = False while not impact and bananaInPlay: x = startx + (initXVel * t) + (0.5 * (wind / 5) * t**2) y = starty + ((-1 * (initYVel * t)) + (0.5 * gravity * t**2)) """This is basically the equation that describes the banana's arc.""" if x >= SCR_WIDTH - 10 or x <= 3 or y >= SCR_HEIGHT: bananaInPlay = False bananaRect = getBananaRect(x, y, bananaShape) if bananaShape == UP: bananaSurf = BAN_UP_SURF bananaRect.left -= 2 bananaRect.top += 2 elif bananaShape == DOWN: bananaSurf = BAN_DOWN_SURF bananaRect.left -= 2 bananaRect.top += 2 elif bananaShape == LEFT: bananaSurf = BAN_LEFT_SURF elif bananaShape == RIGHT: bananaSurf = BAN_RIGHT_SURF bananaShape = nextBananaShape(bananaShape) srcPixArray = pygame.PixelArray(skylineSurf) if bananaInPlay and y > 0: if sunRect.collidepoint(x, y): # banana has hit the sun, so draw the "shocked" face. sunHit = True # draw the appropriate sun face drawSun(screenSurf, shocked=sunHit) if bananaRect.colliderect(gor1rect): # banana has hit player 1 """Note that we draw the explosion on the screen (on screenSurf) and on the separate skyline surface (on skylineSurf). This is done so that bananas won't hit the sun or any text and accidentally think they've hit something. We also want the skylineSurf surface object to keep track of what chunks of the buildings are left.""" doExplosion(screenSurf, skylineSurf, bananaRect.centerx, bananaRect.centery, explosionSize=int(GOR_EXPLOSION_SIZE*2/3), speed=0.005) doExplosion(screenSurf, skylineSurf, bananaRect.centerx, bananaRect.centery, explosionSize=GOR_EXPLOSION_SIZE, speed=0.005) drawSun(screenSurf) return 'gorilla1' elif bananaRect.colliderect(gor2rect): # banana has hit player 2 doExplosion(screenSurf, skylineSurf, bananaRect.centerx, bananaRect.centery, explosionSize=int(GOR_EXPLOSION_SIZE*2/3), speed=0.005) doExplosion(screenSurf, skylineSurf, bananaRect.centerx, bananaRect.centery, explosionSize=GOR_EXPLOSION_SIZE, speed=0.005) screenSurf.fill(SKY_COLOR, bananaRect) # erase banana drawSun(screenSurf) return 'gorilla2' elif collideWithNonColor(srcPixArray, screenSurf, bananaRect, SKY_COLOR): # banana has hit a building doExplosion(screenSurf, skylineSurf, bananaRect.centerx, bananaRect.centery) screenSurf.fill(SKY_COLOR, bananaRect) # erase banana drawSun(screenSurf) return 'building' del srcPixArray """Pygame doesn't let us blit a surface while there is a pixel array of it existing, so we delete it.""" screenSurf.blit(bananaSurf, (bananaRect.topleft)) pygame.display.update() time.sleep(0.02) screenSurf.fill(SKY_COLOR, bananaRect) # erase banana t += 0.1 # go forward in the plot. drawSun(screenSurf) return 'miss' def victoryDance(screenSurf, x, y): """Given the x,y coordinates of the topleft corner of the gorilla sprite, this goes through the victory dance routine of the gorilla where they start waving their arms in the air.""" for i in range(4): screenSurf.blit(GOR_LEFT_SURF, (x, y)) pygame.display.update() time.sleep(0.3) screenSurf.blit(GOR_RIGHT_SURF, (x, y)) pygame.display.update() time.sleep(0.3) def collideWithNonColor(pixArr, surfObj, rect, color): """This checks the area (described by "rect") on pixArr (a pixel array derived from the surfObj surface object) if it has any pixels that are not the color specified by the "color" parameter. This function is used to detect if the banana has hit any non-sky colored parts (which means a gorilla or a building).""" rightSide = min(rect.right, SCR_WIDTH) bottomSide = min(rect.bottom, SCR_HEIGHT) for x in range(rect.left, rightSide): for y in range(rect.top, bottomSide): if surfObj.unmap_rgb(pixArr[x][y]) != color: return True return False def getBananaRect(x, y, shape): if shape == UP: return pygame.Rect((x, y), BAN_UP_SURF.get_size()) if shape == DOWN: return pygame.Rect((x, y), BAN_DOWN_SURF.get_size()) if shape == LEFT: return pygame.Rect((x, y), BAN_LEFT_SURF.get_size()) if shape == RIGHT: return pygame.Rect((x, y), BAN_RIGHT_SURF.get_size()) def getWind(): """Randomly determine what the wind speed and direction should be for this game.""" wind = random.randint(5, 15) if random.randint(0, 1): wind *= -1 return wind def drawWind(screenSurf, wind): """Draws the wind arrow on the screenSurf object at the bottom of the screen. The "wind" parameter comes from a call to getWind().""" if wind != 0: wind *= 3 pygame.draw.line(screenSurf, EXPLOSION_COLOR, (int(SCR_WIDTH / 2), SCR_HEIGHT - 5), (int(SCR_WIDTH / 2) + wind, SCR_HEIGHT - 5)) # draw the arrow end if wind > 0: arrowDir = -2 else: arrowDir = 2 pygame.draw.line(screenSurf, EXPLOSION_COLOR, (int(SCR_WIDTH / 2) + wind, SCR_HEIGHT - 5), (int(SCR_WIDTH / 2) + wind + arrowDir, SCR_HEIGHT - 5 - 2)) pygame.draw.line(screenSurf, EXPLOSION_COLOR, (int(SCR_WIDTH / 2) + wind, SCR_HEIGHT - 5), (int(SCR_WIDTH / 2) + wind + arrowDir, SCR_HEIGHT - 5 + 2)) def doExplosion(screenSurf, skylineSurf, x, y, explosionSize=BUILD_EXPLOSION_SIZE, speed=0.05): for r in range(1, explosionSize): pygame.draw.circle(screenSurf, EXPLOSION_COLOR, (x, y), r) pygame.draw.circle(skylineSurf, EXPLOSION_COLOR, (x, y), r) pygame.display.update() time.sleep(speed) for r in range(explosionSize, 1, -1): pygame.draw.circle(screenSurf, SKY_COLOR, (x, y), explosionSize) pygame.draw.circle(skylineSurf, SKY_COLOR, (x, y), explosionSize) pygame.draw.circle(screenSurf, EXPLOSION_COLOR, (x, y), r) pygame.draw.circle(skylineSurf, EXPLOSION_COLOR, (x, y), r) pygame.display.update() time.sleep(speed) pygame.draw.circle(screenSurf, SKY_COLOR, (x, y), 2) pygame.draw.circle(skylineSurf, SKY_COLOR, (x, y), 2) pygame.display.update() def main(): winSurface = pygame.display.set_mode((SCR_WIDTH, SCR_HEIGHT), 0, 32) """winSurface, being the surface object returned by pygame.display.set_mode(), will be drawn to the screen every time pygame.display.update() is called.""" # Uncomment either of the following lines to put the game into full screen mode. ##winSurface = pygame.display.set_mode((SCR_WIDTH, SCR_HEIGHT), pygame.FULLSCREEN, 32) ##pygame.display.toggle_fullscreen() pygame.display.set_caption('Gorillas.py') showStartScreen(winSurface) while True: # start a new game p1name, p2name, winPoints, gravity, nextScreen = showSettingsScreen(winSurface) if nextScreen == 'v': showIntroScreen(winSurface, p1name, p2name) # Reset the score and make it the first player's turn. p1score = 0 p2score = 0 turn = 1 newRound = True while p1score < winPoints and p2score < winPoints: if newRound: # At the start of a new round, make a new city scape, place the gorillas, and get the wind speed. skylineSurf, buildCoords = makeCityScape() # Note that the city skyline goes on skylineSurf, not winSurface. gorPos = placeGorillas(buildCoords) wind = getWind() newRound = False # Do all the drawing. winSurface.blit(skylineSurf, (0,0)) drawGorilla(winSurface, gorPos[0][0], gorPos[0][1], 0) drawGorilla(winSurface, gorPos[1][0], gorPos[1][1], 0) drawWind(winSurface, wind) drawSun(winSurface) displayScore(winSurface, p1score, p2score) pygame.display.update() angle, velocity = getShot(winSurface, p1name, p2name, turn) if turn == 1: gorx, gory = gorPos[0][0], gorPos[0][1] elif turn == 2: gorx, gory = gorPos[1][0], gorPos[1][1] result = plotShot(winSurface, skylineSurf, angle, velocity, turn, wind, 9.8, gorPos[0], gorPos[1]) if result == 'gorilla1': victoryDance(winSurface, gorPos[1][0], gorPos[1][1]) p2score += 1 newRound = True elif result == 'gorilla2': victoryDance(winSurface, gorPos[0][0], gorPos[0][1]) p1score += 1 newRound = True if turn == 1: turn = 2 else: turn = 1 showGameOverScreen(winSurface, p1name, p1score, p2name, p2score) if __name__ == '__main__': main()